Activities of ASVAFER
- The railway exhibition in every September. This exhibition is held once a year at the same time as the Fiestas of the city's patron, the Virgin of San Lorenzo. During this exhibition we show the models and part of our preserved equipment. This exhibition has every year a lot of visitors.
- Taking part in the activity "Toral en Tren" in Toral de los Vados (León) in a weekend on June. During these days the local council of that village gave a good example of promoting the railway in collaboration with some Friends of Railway Clubs from Castilla y León, Galicia and Madrid. ASVAFER has taken part in this activity since the first edition in 2002.
Organization in april 2012 the 50th. Congress of the Spanish Federation of Railway Clubs and 4th. Iberian Congress of Railway Friends. In this Congress could meet more the 100 railway fans from Spain, Portugal and another countries. Here you can find some products which we edited for this event.
- Taking part in some editions of the Fair of Art and Restauration Heritage (AR&PA).
Collaboration in the exhibition "El Ferrocarril Punto de Encuentro", organized by
Adif, from 8th to 25th of May 2008 in the room "Estación Abierta" of
Adif in Valladolid. In this exhibition ASVAFER showed its
Valladolid railway area model where the Valladolid
railway station and the Valladolid Locomotive Depot with all its
buildings are replicated in H0 scale. Also it was possible to see the 1:7 scale locomotives
1818 (318.018) and
Photos of the ASVAFER stand in this exhibtion:
In the context of this exhibition, on sunday May, the 18th at 19 h. our colleague José Luis Lalana spoke about "Transport and Industry Museum".
- Organization of the exhibition "El Ferrocarril en Valladolid" since March the 13th to April the 18th 2008 in Santovenia de Pisuerga (Valladolid). In this exhibition photos, diferent railway tools and a H0 scale Valladolid railway area model with Valladolid Campo Grande Station, the Locomotive Depot and other interensting buildings for the viewpoint of Industrial Archeology were shown.
In the last few years we have organized activities so the people of Valladolid could know about the Locomotive Depot of Valladolid. This depot has a pioneering design unique in Spain.
We have several plans including the promotion of turistic railways (Ribera de Duero Train) and to build a Railway Museum in Valladolid. In order to achieve these plans we are restoring some historic railway equipment.
We have some machinery to develop activities related with Driven Models. Near our headquarters we have a little park to develop this activity, which is a very popular in many places of Spain.
Our Association has also collaborated in four scale G railway circuits in Parque Temático del Mudéjar de Olmedo (a park with small scale models of emblematic buildings of Castilla y León). A visit is recommended.
Some years ago our association published a magazine and we still have some issues. Recently we has been edited a special issue of this magazine.
Index of the last issues of the magazine ASVAFER