Scale models built by ASVAFER
ASVAFER has some scale models in its headquarters:
H0 Scale (1:87) Model
Our HO scale model is in two rooms and the trains go through two tunnels from one room to another, both tunnels have double track.
The model has three independent circuits: one is direct current, another is alternating current and the third is a HOe scale narrow gauge railway. The model has three railway stations and some shunting tracks. There is also a shed with a turntable.
In the following pictures you can see some details of the different parts of this model:

In this scale we also have a Valladolid railway area model where the Locomotive Depot and the railway station are represented This model has been shown many times since 2004, when it was built. In the last years this model has been rebuilt to become a big modular and digital model.
N Scale (1:160) Model
This model represents the way in which the railway goes up a hill. It has two railways stations for passengers and one for goods and freight and a depot with a turntable.

G Scale (1:22.5) Model
In our headquarter we have a G-scale model which has only one track and a railway station where the trains can pass each other. It has a climbing track which ends in a mountain railway station.

In this scale we also have a model of the vanished railway nicked "Donkey Train", very famous in Valladolid (see bellow).
Historical models
ASVAFER has two historical models representing the railway in Valladolid These models show the railway heritage of Valladolid now and in the past:
Model of the railway area in Valladolid
This H0-scale model shows the railway area in Valladolid, more or less in the seventies, and contains the Valladolid-Campo Grande railway station and the locomotive depot and other buildings. Also it includes the Valladolid-La Esperanza railway station, headquarter of our Association.
The model was built in 2004 and in the last years we was digitalized and enlarged.

Model of the vanished "Donkey Train"
This G-model, shows the "Donkey Train" in Valladolid representing the vanished railway heritage. This model includes the two stations of this railway in the city: "San Bartolomé" and "Campo de Béjar":