ASVAFER Driven models Models Preserved equipment

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Colabora para restaurar la locomotora de vapor JOP 9

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Since 8th. February 2000 this page has been visited 450708 times.

The Vallisoletan Association of Friends of Railway (ASVAFER) is a non-profit association whose basic aim is to promote activities related with railways. The Association is located in an old railway station rented from Adif, where we have a few different scale models (H0, H0e, N and G). We also have a library with many books and magazines about railways. ASVAFER is a member of The Spanish Federation of Associations of Friends of the Railway.

We are in the old La Esperanza railway station in Valladolid. We are open, for memberships, on Thursdays from 19 to 21 and on Sundays from 12 to 14. We are open to receive organized visits but you must contact before for it.

You can find La Esperanza station in this map

Some years ago we used to publish a magazine. Its index is available here.

If you want to contact us our e-mail is: